1. No cell phones
2. No extra passengers
3. No speeding
4. No alcohol/substances
5. No drowsy driving
6. Buckle up
Find out more: https://www.nhtsa.gov/road-safety/teen-driving
Teen Driver Licensing Infographic
AAA: Resources for Young Motorists and Parents
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety: Teenagers
CDC: Distracted Driving
NHTSA: Teen Driving
Graduated Driver Licensing Laws
Virginia Department of Education: 45 hour Parent-Teen Driving Guide
YOVASO: Youth of Virginia Speak Out about Traffic Safety
Partners for Safe Teen Driving
WRAP: Youth Outreach
Drive Safe Hampton Roads: Get it Together High School Seat Belt Challenge
Eastern Virginia Medical School
Community Health & Research
PO Box 1980
Norfolk, Virginia 23501-1980, USA
Phone: 1-757-446-5799
E-mail: carsafetynow@evms.edu
Materials are free for educational, nonprofit use; citation is appreciated.
The Car Safety Now program was supported by a series of grants from the Virginia DMV Highway Safety Office (Principal Investigator: Kelli England, Ph.D.). The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Virginia DMV, or Virginia Highway Safety Office.
The Car Safety Now program was supported by a series of grants from the Virginia DMV Highway Safety Office (Principal Investigator: Kelli England, Ph.D.). The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Virginia DMV, or Virginia Highway Safety Office.